Break anxious cycles & build secure relationships

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1:1 Coaching Update:

Currently fully booked and the waitlist is full
(JULY 4th 2022)

'The Secure Relationship Program'
For women
Starting Sept 2022

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If this sounds familiar, you may have an

Can you relate?

A constant need for reassurance and approval


Worrying that you're "too much"

Jealousy & frustration at any sign of unavailability

Hyper-sensitivity to signs of rejection, criticism, or feelings of unwantedness



Over-analyzing and excessive worrying

Always putting their needs before your own

You can't argue "well" because you tend to blow-up

Anxious Attachment Style

If you're here, you're probably feeling tired, frustrated, and
SO ready for change.

You want to experience healthy, thriving love. 

You want to STOP repeating damaging habits.

And you want to stop feeling like you're going around in circles. 

"Just how do I change this?"

I hear you screaming from the inside, and I get it. For years, I had both anxious and avoidant tendencies in my relationships. These were some of my most common habits and their effects:

Silently observing every little thing my partner did
for signs of them losing interest.

what i did

how i felt

Constant anxiety and feeling like I needed to act a certain way to keep their interest.

Hyper-sensitivity to ANY slight change in behavior.

Over-analyzing followed by shutting down or

Shutting down and distancing myself when
I was feeling hurt.

Secretly hoping/expecting them to comfort me.

Wanting reassurance and support yet not
knowing how to ask for it.

Getting silently angry when they didn’t comfort me followed by shame about 'needing' them.







"Just how do I change this?"

I hear you screaming from the inside, and I get it. For years, I had both anxious and avoidant tendencies in my relationships. These were some of my most common habits and their effects:

Hyper-sensitivity to ANY slight change in behavior

Over-analyzing and worrying about them

Shutting down and distancing myself when I was feeling hurt

Secretly hoping/expecting them to comfort me 

Wanting constant reassurance yet not knowing how to ask for it

Getting silently angry when they didn’t comfort me when and how I wanted them to

Silently observing every little thing my partner did for signs of them losing interest



Constant anxiety and feeling like I needed to hide parts of myself to keep their interest

this all made me feel...

"Why am I like this?"
"There is something wrong with me!"
"Who's going to love me like this?" 
*Throws pity party*

It's a gut-wrenching cycle, and it's not easy to shake. It took 11 years of working on myself, Coaching/Therapy, a Psychology degree, Certification in Life Coaching, hundreds of books, and (most importantly) actively working with my partners in the last 11 years of long-term relationships to finally heal. Now, I'm able to enjoy a secure relationship with peace of mind.

I know what it takes to heal the messy moments of our past and present to create a beautiful, love-filled future. My mission is to help others to heal so they can experience the secure love they deserve.

so how can you start your healing journey?

You + Me:
3-Month Transformation Program

These 1:1 sessions are uniquely tailored to the past, present, and desired future of your dating life. Through the lens of Attachment Theory, we'll break down the complexities of your conscious and unconscious behavior while building a foundation for secure thinking.


1 x Intensive Get-To-Know-You Session
8 x 1-hour sessions
Weekly homework (tailored practical exercises)
Post-session follow up email with homework

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feelings of unworthiness

constant anxiety

people pleasing

emotional reactions

purposeful reflection



regulated emotions

healthy boundaries

constructive communication







During our

first session,

you can expect:

Your Blueprint

We'll dive into your life & past relationships to get a deeper understanding of your current love-related behaviors.

Discovery of Goals

What does the future 'you' look like? We'll break down your wants and needs to create practical goals that fit into your lifestyle.

The Plan

With a foundational understanding of yourself and realistic goals in place, we'll create an outline of topics for future sessions.

So what exactly do we work on together?

Now that we have a detailed blueprint unique to you, the rest of our program will be tailored accordingly. 

To support you in shifting your attachment style from anxious to secure, we'll address:

healing mother/father/sibling wounds

Healing past relationship wounds

Inner child & reparenting work

Communication skills (with self and others)

Boundary setting 

Reconnecting with feelings and needs

Regulating emotions

How to navigate conflict & difficult conversations

Practical dating & relationship guidance

Weekly homework to supplement your growth

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Client Love

 "Sarah was a precious resource to me during one of the most challenging times in my life.  Acknowledging my actual experiences and emotions and using the resources and exercises that Sarah provided me allowed me to make huge strides in my healing,
self-esteem, and self-worth in just a few months.”

Erin.W. Real Estate Agent.

“I love how genuine Sarah is. In my past experience with other professionals, I often felt like they were waiting for that alarm to go off so we could be done. But I’ve never felt anything remotely close to this with Sarah - she truly cares and wants to see me make progress.”

Richard.N., ER Nurse, NY

"Sarah is FANTASTIC! Sarah is a gifted communicator, intuitive to emotions, and structures our sessions to flow in a manner that is tailored to me. After each session, I feel more empowered to take on life and relationships." 

Angel.T., Nurse, LA

Your journey to secure love doesn't have to feel so lonely
or confusing.

Together, we can heal the parts of you lost in your past, so you can finally find the healthy
 love you deserve. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between Coaching & Therapy?

What's the difference between Coaching & Therapy?

Therapy primarily focuses on healing your past. Coaching does this as well but puts a particular emphasis on your present and future. Our sessions are solution-oriented and meant to give you practical tools for a lifetime of secure love. 

What are your qualifications?


B.A. in Psychology & Management - University of Auckland
B.A. in Cognitive Psychology (1-year Exchange Student Program) - University of California, San Diego 

iPEC Coaching (ICF-Accredited Coach Training Program)
Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP)
COR.E Dynamics™

How can Coaching help me?

How can Coaching help me?

Coaching creates valuable space for healing and self-development. Most of the time, the tools we need to thrive are right in front of us, but we can't see them for ourselves. The right coach will help you:

Gain clarity to what's holding you back
Heal your past and present to create a beautiful future
Create a practical path to achieving your goals
Stay on track throughout your journey
Grow personally and professionally
Get out of your comfort zone while having a trusted guide



Most of my clients are single individuals who are highly successful in other areas but struggle in their dating/relationship life. They have tendencies of the Anxious Attachment Style (some are a mix of Anxious & Avoidant a.k.a. Disorganized Style) and wish to shift into secure (Attachment) relationships. 

How long do I need to work with you before I see results?

How long do I need to work with you before I see results?

Everyone is different, which means timelines can be a bit tricky to guarantee. They are highly dependent on the work you've done before, during, and after our sessions.

6 MONTHS to 1 YEAR (most common)
This process involves healing the past, improving current dating/relationship habits, and creating a blueprint for a happier (and sustainable) future love life. 

Some of my clients have specific temporary problems in their current dating life (e.g. they just began dating someone new and want guidance for the beginning stage). This is a less involved process and typically takes about 3 months.

Do you offer Couple Coaching?

Do you offer Couple Coaching?

No. I only work with individuals. However, I do have excellent referrals I can give you. Please contact me for more information.

Can I meet you before I decide if I want to work with you?

Can I meet you before I decide if I want to work with you?

Absolutely! After you apply, I offer a free 30-minute (non-obligatory) video call over Zoom to ensure that we are the right fit for Coaching. I often refer people to other professionals if I believe they'd be better suited together. My main goal is to find the right person FOR YOU. If that's not me, I am more than happy to redirect you. 

Is Coaching Confidential?

Is Coaching Confidential?

Yes. All coaching and coaching inquiries are strictly confidential.

What if I don't like Coaching with you?

What if I don't like Coaching with you?

If you (or we) feel that we aren't the right fit for each other or you are no longer available, we can stop working together with a 3-weeks notice.

I want to do this, but I'm nervous!

I want to do this, but I'm nervous!

This is totally understandable and very normal! It's hard to let others see your most vulnerable side -- it's even harder to find a stranger you can trust and feel comfortable with. Please read my testimonials to get a feel of the kind of environment I create for my clients. Or sign up for a free consultation and decide for yourself :)

Ready to work with me?

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