Healing the Subconscious

We believe the foundation of love is built on the unremembered. Surfacing past unconscious trauma can lead to the free, healthy love you thought only existed in dreams. The anxious to secure transformation not only empowers us in our inner and outer worlds but fulfills an instinctual need for love and security.


Helping you heal anxious habits and build secure attachment so that you can thrive
in healthy relationships.

Our Mission

 The 3 Pillars of

We want everyone to understand themselves. So, we prioritize educating others in a fun and relatable way by offering insightful evidence in our sessions and giving free healing advice across
our social media. 

Secure Love

We emphasize creating a safe and compassionate space in which our clients can be 100% vulnerable.
Our goal is to help them get to
know themselves to heal during and after our sessions.

We believe sustainable change comes from practical, real-world solutions. By combining science with matters of the heart, we can effectively bring about balance to our clients' dating lives.





Hi, I'm


I was born in South Korea and moved to New Zealand when I was 10. After years of working the 9-5 life, I left my job, bought a one-way ticket to Bali, and lived a nomadic lifestyle since 2018.

It took me 11 years of university degrees, self-development, and many trial and error to finally understand myself and heal, which is why I'm so passionate about helping others find secure love.


My attachment journey began as a shy, awkward
teen, who didn't know how to talk to boys. When I eventually snagged my first long-term boyfriend, I didn't know what it was like to be in a healthy relationship. I was highly anxious and avoidant at the same time – I wanted love but was afraid of having it.

As a Certified Life Coach, but most importantly, as someone who learned to heal and be in healthy relationships, I know what it takes to heal our past and create a beautiful, love-filled future.

see credentials


Hi, I'm


I was born in South Korea and immigrated to New Zealand when I was 10. After years of working the 9-5 life, I left my job, bought a one-way ticket to Bali, and lived a remote, nomadic lifestyle since 2018.

My attachment journey began as a shy, awkward child who was unable to talk to boys. When I eventually snagged my first long-term boyfriend, I didn't know what it was like to be in a healthy relationship. I was highly anxious and avoidant at the same time – I wanted love but was afraid of having it.

It took me 11 years of self-development, a B.A. in Psychology & Management, and in Cognitive Psychology to finally understand myself and heal, which is why I'm so passionate about helping others find secure love (without the decade-long experience).

As a certified relationship & life coach with an attachment to science, I know how to heal the jumbled moments of our past and present to create a beautiful, love-filled future.

I have been in long-term relationships for 11 years. I have actively worked with my partners to create a secure environment for our love to flourish. With a combination of science, education, and compassion, I hope to bring others with anxious Attachment the secure love they deserve.

see credentials

B.A in Psychology & Management - University of Auckland

B.A in Cognitive Psychology (1-year Exchange Student Program) -  University of California, San Diego

Tony Robbins’ ‘Unleash Your Power Within’ 3-Day Seminar
Self-Compassion course by Kirstin Neff
Healing Shame Workshop - Center For Healing Shame

iPEC Coaching (ICF-Accredited Coach Training Program)

Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner 
COR.E Dynamics™


academic accomplishments

street accomplishments



see credentials

Asset 10homepage
Asset 10homepage







Client Love

“I loved several techniques she used (especially one she calls voices), and I felt I could fully trust her.
Discovering and accepting the darkest sides of myself wasn't the easiest thing but with Sarah I felt safe and comfortable.”


“Throughout my sessions, she's helped me learn how to explore and acknowledge my feelings, rethink the narratives I tell myself, and reconnect with my inner child. I knew she'd be the right person just from her TikTok videos, but she truly was beyond my expectations.”


“I loved her pre-coaching approach to learning what my goals, expectations, and learning styles are. Not only did I get exactly what I was looking for but I experienced compassion, validation, and patience far beyond what I expected.”


Start breaking
anxious habits now!

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