Anxious to Secure SELF
Online Course 

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Anxious Attachment Style

If this sounds familiar, you may have an

Can you relate?

A constant need for reassurance and approval


Worrying that you're "too much"

Jealousy & frustration at any sign of unavailability

Hyper-sensitivity to signs of rejection, criticism, or feelings of unwantedness



Over-analyzing and excessive worrying

Always putting their needs before your own

struggle to communicate 

If you're here, you're probably feeling tired, frustrated, and
SO ready for change.

You want to better manage your attachment anxiety.

You want to feel more confident & secure in yourself. 

You want to know HOW to actually start making changes.

so how can you start your healing journey?

Anxious to Secure SELF Online Course

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  • Individuals (single or in relationships)
  • Wants to shift from anxious to secure in themselves & in their relationships.

Get early access and an exclusive discount by joining our waitlist!

Client Love



anxious in relationship

Worried about partner leaving

feelings unworthy

constant anxiety

people pleasing

lashing out

more confident in relationships

feel whole regardless of outcome


Secure & confident

healthy boundaries

constructive communication







how will it help me?

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Client Love

Client Love

 "Sarah was a precious resource to me during one of the most challenging times in my life.  Acknowledging my actual experiences and emotions and using the resources and exercises that Sarah provided me allowed me to make huge strides in my healing,
self-esteem, and self-worth in just a few months.”

Erin.W. Real Estate Agent.

“I love how genuine Sarah is. In my past experience with other professionals, I often felt like they were waiting for that alarm to go off so we could be done. But I’ve never felt anything remotely close to this with Sarah - she truly cares and wants to see me make progress.”

Richard.N., ER Nurse, NY

"Sarah is FANTASTIC! Sarah is a gifted communicator, intuitive to emotions, and structures our sessions to flow in a manner that is tailored to me. After each session, I feel more empowered to take on life and relationships." 

Angel.T., Nurse, LA

Your journey to secure love doesn't have to feel
so lonely or confusing.

Together, we can heal your
inner wounds, so you can
finally feel whole and
enjoy the healthy love
 you deserve. 

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Ready to
become secure?

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