The Secure Love Blog






When we hear the name, J.K Rowling, our thoughts immediately turn to her extraordinary success as the world’s first billionaire author. Yet few of us are aware of her difficult past. She came from a family where her imagination and love for writing was seen as “an amusing personal quirk that would never pay a […]

5 Inspirational Lessons of Failure – What J.K Rowling’s Harvard Commencement Speech Can Teach Us

Apr 26

Travel: it’s exhilarating, energizing and super fun. As we throw ourselves into the deep ends of new cultures, people and places, we find ourselves living on the edge of our comfort zones. Traveling challenges us to think differently, adapt quickly and therefore grow in profound ways. One year ago, I hopped on a one-way flight […]

4 Profound Life Lessons From One Year As A Digital Nomad

Apr 16

Melissa Broder is known for her hilariously melancholic tweets. She shares things like “waking up today was a disappointment” or “I don’t feel well but I never have.” She is also brutally honest about her imperfections – “my serotonin receptors got canceled” or “you’re damn right I lack self-confidence.” Her account is immensely popular now […]

4 Steps To Accept and Overcome Your Negative Emotions

Mar 27

Artist – @revelatori Modern life is a never-ending emotional rollercoaster. The pressure to succeed in life with a great job, 6-pack abs, a thriving social life and an amazing partner, can induce a volatile combination of pressure and stress. We are conditioned to chase after these symbols of status and happiness. And when we do, […]

Stop Fighting Negative Emotions – Here Is What To Do Instead

Mar 20

The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your questions. — Dr. John Demartini Questions have the ability to completely change one’s life and relationships. Tough and uncomfortable ones can challenge relationships to deepen, but don’t discount the effectiveness of neutral or day-to-day questions either. Too often, couples get caught up with […]

5 Simple Questions That Will Dramatically Improve Your Relationship

Mar 6

Welcome to the generation where texting is the new digital courtship. It can be awkward, confusing and anxiety-provoking. There are no black and white rules to it, leading the best of us to wonder: “Should I text him?” “Is this too forward?” “He hasn’t replied in a while – what does this mean?” Sound all […]

3 Texting Secrets – How To Use Your Feminine Magnetism To Keep Him Interested

Feb 27

No matter how amazing our relationships are, we will have complaints. There is no relationship that’s an exception. Fathers. Mothers. Sisters. Brothers. Managers. Coworkers. Friends. Strangers. Even lovers. The problem isn’t the existence of complaining. It’s how we handle them. It’s a delicate dance, especially when you begin sharing a new life with someone. Complaints […]

A Practical Guide to Couple Complaining

Feb 20

Last week, we reviewed what women want in relationships, but what about what men want and need? Due to men’s evolutionary desire to provide and protect, combined with society’s expectation of a “macho man”, men tend to focus on how they can best provide and have often put their emotions and needs aside. This can […]

The One Thing All Men Want In Relationships

Feb 14

With Valentine’s coming, many find themselves wondering what their partner or new person in their lives want and need. As the relationship dynamic between a man and a woman has evolved over time, women’s needs have too. Years ago, women depended on their men for physical safety – food, shelter, and protection for her and […]

The One Thing All Women Want In Relationships

Feb 6

One night, I went to a party with some friends. While we didn’t make any immediate connections, we decided to stick around. Until one of our friends wanted to leave. Later she shared that she “just wasn’t feeling it”. She met new people, but was feeling uncomfortable. With a little probing, she continued, “I feel […]

Stuck in Self-Criticism? It Could Be From Your Childhood

Jan 30

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