The Secure Love Blog






As any starting entrepreneur, I always felt embarrassed that I wasn’t making the money that I wanted. You see, I was worried about what others would think of me. I wanted people to think that I was doing great. I wanted to impress them. I wanted to appear successful. The last thing I wanted to […]

How Healthy & Toxic Shame Plays a Daily Role in our Lives

Jan 22

Do you and your partner want to deepen your connection in your relationship? According to a psychotherapist, Laura Dabney, nothing can progress in relationships unless it is built on a solid emotional foundation. Asking the right questions is extremely crucial as it invites you both to be open and vulnerable with each other, which strengthens […]

8 Uncomfortable Questions To Ask Your Partner To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level

Dec 13

Overthinking is the enemy of success because success is only possible with actions. I’ve been addicted to the habit of overthinking for as long as I can remember. I remember my friend telling me that I’m too analytical when I was about 11. ELEVEN!!  And of course, as an addict, what do I do about […]

3 Reasons Why We Are Addicted to Over-Thinking

Dec 9

This morning I woke up to the loud voice of my own negative, critical and judgmental mind: “you didn’t finish the things that you said you will yesterday” “you didn’t wake up at 6 am, AGAIN” “you’re always wasting your time” Is anyone else also hard on themselves? I’m a recovering self-criticism addict – there […]

Self-Compassion: a powerful weapon to destroy self-criticism

Dec 6

It’s only when we are able to be completely alone, we become capable of true love. What does it mean, to be completely alone? It’s different to feeling lonely. Because you can’t feel lonely when you like the person that you are lonely with. In our fast-paced, overly-stimulated, distracting society, it’s extremely rare to be […]

When we can be completely alone, we become capable of true love

Dec 4

In last week’s blog post, we explored the 5 most common mistakes men typically make in arguments. Now, the spotlight is on us ladies! As I mentioned in the previous blog, it’s important for us to recognize that men and women are fundamentally different. Women think, feel, perceive and understand things differently to men. Therefore […]

5 Biggest Mistakes Women Make in Arguments

Nov 26

Society has rapidly changed in recent years, with women now having similar rights as men. While this may be the case, at the core level, women and men are wired differently down to our wants and needs, even how we perceive the world. This is especially evident in how we handle our relationships, specifically, in […]

5 Biggest Mistakes Men Make in Arguments

Nov 20

2 weeks ago, I decided to go on a 4-day silent meditation retreat on a whim – no device, no Wi-Fi, 6-hours of meditation and Yoga every day, in complete silence. I changed my mind 5 times because it didn’t make any logical sense to do it.  “I should do it next week.  I can’t […]

How to Activate Your Feminine Energy, as a Masculine-Woman

Aug 28

This is my lovely cleaner, Illuh. She’s one of the warmest and loveliest person I know. She comes to clean my studio 6 days a week. She buys fresh water for me. She tells me when my electricity credit is low and tops it up for me. She takes my clothes to the laundry. She […]

They Want Your Respect, Not Your Money – My Experience with Inequality, living as an Expat in Bali

Aug 22

She’s beautiful and smart. He’s handsome and kind. They met at their favorite coffee shop. They’ve traveled to many beautiful places. They’ve shared an amazing 3 years together. “You guys are SO lucky to have each other! I’m jealous!” Julie said to her best friend, Emily. Emily smiled and nodded in silence. Picking up on […]

Finding “The One” is a Fantasy

May 21

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