The Secure Love Blog






I used to blame everyone  for my negative emotions. I blamed my boyfriends for making me feel disappointed.  My mum, for making me feel frustrated. That crazy driver on the road for making me feel angry. Back then, it was an unconscious strategy to AVOID dealing with the negativity. What I didn’t realize though is […]

No one can ever make you FEEL anything – take responsibility of your own emotions.

Apr 25

Don’t judge their character – instead, share your observations about their actions. “You are lazy” VS “You didn’t clean up your own dishes 5 mornings last week.” “You are always late” VS “You were at least 10 minutes late to the last 3 plans we had together.” The first sentences are unfair judgments about their […]

How to ask your partner to change their behavior with ease

Apr 23

FULL transparency – this is going to be my “last” run at making it on my entrepreneurial journey. I’ve used ALL my savings, I’ve borrowed enough money and I’m selling my last asset, my car, to fund me 5-6 months in Bali. After that, I will have nothing. (but really, I say “last” because even […]

How to NOT let money limit your decisions (How I bought a 1-way ticket to Bali without $ certainty)

Mar 21

Envy is a twosome – it involves you and another person. It’s an emotional reaction you have to lacking something that someone else already has.  It’s that feeling you get when you see another woman/man who is super good-looking, in the best relationship and an amazing job who also happens to be the nicest person […]

How to turn envy into your super-power!

Mar 20

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